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Tuesday 18 March 2014

Natural Remedies To cure Sunstroke


SUMMERS' already approaching ....OHHH...
Again the sun tanning, headache and sunstroke due to the excessive heat and the list goes on. The only thing we want is to sit and relax in our air conditioned rooms while the temperature is out to set new records. But this is not possible for everyone. Moreover there's a solution for every thing so why to sit back and be scared from it. The major problem faced during summers is SUNSTROKE which results in headache , feeling of giddiness, vomiting and sometimes disturbed stomach. Outdoor walkers, children and people working in open fields can be the victims of this very easily. In this the body generally gets dehydrated due to inadequate supply of water. 

Natural Remedies To cure Sunstroke

1. Onion

* Lay down the patient on the back and apply onion paste on forehead.
* Applying a mixture of roasted onion with sugar and cumin seeds behind the  
   ears and chest also helps to control sunstroke.
* Eating onion as salad regularly during summers is the easiest way to avoid 

2. Mango Pana

* This is that traditional remedy for sunstroke which is being usually suggested  
   by everyone and can be very easily made at home. In case anyone doesn't 
   know then here's the recipe to make it easy for you. Boil some unripe 
   mangoes and sieve them properly. Cool it and add little sugar, black salt, 
   roasted cumin powder, black pepper powder and salt to taste.

3. Basil leaves

* Drinking Basil leaves' juice is one of the effective remedy to cure sunstroke 
   instantly.  Extract the juice of basil/Tulsi leaves and mix sugar in it. Tulsi plant
   is that traditional plant which has various medicinal values

Tips To Avoid Sunstroke

* The most important measure to avoid sunstroke is to avoid becoming 
  dehydrated and avoid vigorous physical activities.

* Take fresh juices like sugarcane and mix fruit juice to hydrate the body.

* Sunstroke can be prevented by drinking plenty of water and avoiding over
   taxing the body in hot weather.

* Use umbrella in intense summer to prevent sunstroke.

Enjoy Summers and take care...........

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Monday 3 February 2014

Natural Home Remedies To cure Sun Tan


As a teenager girls usually don't pay attention to natural remedies to cure tanning
remedies to cure tanning

themselves due to the burden of studies and ambition to be achieved in life. But later when we move ahead in life we observe that we neglected many important things during this course. Sun tanning is one of that thing which we generally ignore during our school days.The process is most often a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or from artificial sources. Moderate exposure to the sun  Some people get tan or sunburn more easily than others. This may be the result of different types of skin. It is normally seen that we are not as conscious for our hands as we are for the face. But the immediate care for either hands or face is required. In it the skin color gets darkened or tanned. This darkened skin can be quite embarrassing especially when the dual skin shades are easily visible. After getting a sun tan, it is not easy to bring your skin back to normal state but with patience and care everything is possible.

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Sunday 19 January 2014

Natural Rememdies to Cure Headache


We usually observe friends or colleagues around 
us taking pain killers on a regular basis for headache Few of these pain killers are even banned by the
government agencies due to the presence of harmful
drugs in them but still we are bound to intake them.
As we all know today's lifestyle is very hectic and troublesome. There is no peace in today's schedule especially in the metros and other cities.
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Monday 30 December 2013

Home Remedies To Cure Ezcema


Eczema is a term for a group of medical conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed or irritated. Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. Eczema is a chronic skin disease in which the skin becomes itchy, reddened, cracked and dry. when it is new eczema the affected skin becomes red and elevated with small blisters containing a clear fluid. No matter which part of the skin is affected, eczema is almost always itchy. Since many people with eczema also have allergies the doctor may perform allergy
test to determine possible irritants.
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Sunday 24 November 2013

Home Remedies to reduce weight

Obesity or Overweight

What hurts a woman most? ? ? The too tight clothes
which she knows used to fit her once or the increase in the number on weighing scale. Overweight and obesity takes place when we take in more calories than we use in a day. Obesity results in the excessive cholesterol in body which may lead to heart attack. In addition it makes us more lazy and we eat more than normal.

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Wednesday 20 November 2013

How to Cure Dandruff


Tired of feeling embarrassed in front of your friends and colleagues because of the white stuff on your shirt.  Dandruff takes place when the dead skin cells shed from the scalp. This problem generally takes place during the winters due to the use of warm water on the scalp. It is not a life threatening condition but it may irritate your skin.It is also the cause for hair fall, premature greying of hair and acne on the scalp. Natural home remedies fro dandruff do not only cure the dandruff problem but 
also give nourishment to the hair and prevent hairfall
and other related problems.

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Tuesday 29 October 2013

How To Cure Pimples Easily


remdey cure pimplesSometimes you get up in the morning and you see a horrible zit popped out on your skin giving you a ugly look. Pimples are the worst nightmares for any woman. They are a normal skin condition affecting many people.Generally people with oily skin face 
this problem but now even the ones with dry and normal skin are suffering from it.

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